The romance between William Levy and Barbara Mori leaves What lesson?

The romance between William Levy and Barbara Mori leaves What lesson? - After has been confirmed by the model and actor William Levy Gutierrez and his wife Elizabeth have reconciled again and form a family again, what we think is really great news for his children and his wife, is important to take a lesson from the romance that was widely documented by many media, between the actor and the lovely Barbara Mori.

Needless to say, the big loser is Barbara Mori, who on the one hand opened her heart and home to Levy, gave a very candid and was finally abandoned when the actor decided that if ever loved his wife. What a sad role of Barbara Mori to be a vampire played and lost, as a poor woman being used and abandoned by the lover of fashion. Barbara hopefully stop looking calm their concerns with married men and feels good head for her and her son.

On the other hand William Levy again risked his marriage and his family, which should be sacred to any married man responsible. Hopefully this is the last time you put your family in this situation.

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